News / Mao Fujita: first single of his next album for Sony and debut at the BBC Proms /

Mao Fujita: first single of his next album for Sony and debut at the BBC Proms
21st June 2024

After his acclaimed debut album on Sony Classical, with the complete Mozart Piano Sonatas, Fujita continues with an equally ambitious recording project: 'Preludes'. In September, he will present the three sets of 24 preludes by Chopin, Scriabin and the 20th century Japanese composer Akio Yashiro. This album represents a fascinating exploration of three different, yet intimately connected worlds, each filled with poetic diversity, volcanic energy and atmospheric stillness. Chopin's Preludes Op. 28 (1839) elevated the form from small introductory pieces, often improvised, to singular works in their own right. On the other hand, Scriabin's Preludes Op. 11 (1888-96) echo Chopin's set in many ways - the number of preludes, the order of keys, the concept of the prelude as a short but significant work - but they are far from being a copy, since each prelude presents its own miniature world. The third set of preludes is perhaps the most intriguing. Fujita will record for the first time in history the 24 Preludes (1945) by Japanese composer Akio Yashiro. Taking Chopin's model even further, Yashiro creates a very idiomatic and original work, written when he was only 15 years old. The pianist sums it up with the following words: "Chopin and Scriabin are the fish and rice, the base, but Yashiro is the wasabi, just as vital, and with that special ability to create something delicious."

In addition to this new album that will arrive on September the 6th, another of Mao Fujita's summer milestones will be his debut at the prestigious BBC Proms at the Royal Albert Hall in London on Wednesday, August 28th, together with the Czech Philharmonic conducted by Jakub Hrůša. The Japanese pianist will perform Dvořák's complex Piano Concerto in a Czech-themed program.

Listen here to the first sinfle of his new album: