News / Spanish representation for Emőke Baráth /

Spanish representation for Emőke Baráth
4th July 2024

We are delighted to announce that Ibermúsica Artists will undertake the Spanish representation of the soprano Emőke Baráth.

She quickly attracted the attention of the musical world by becoming a prizewinner in several prestigious competitions – First Prize in the Cesti Competition in Innsbruck, Grand Prix de l'Académie du Verbier Festival, Prix Junio Prima Primissima in Hungary, etc. However, her career took off when she sang Sesto in Händel's Giulio Cesare conducted by Alan Curtis.

Emőke Baráth's art is deployed in a vast repertoire under the baton of some of the most illustrious conductors. These include La Musicà and Euridice in Monteverdi's L'Orfeo (Iván Fischer and Emiliano González Toro); Romilda in Cavalli's Xerse (Emmanuelle Haïm); the title role in Cavalli's Hipermestra (William Christie); Morgana in Händel's Alcina (Ottavio Dantone and Emmanuelle Haïm); Susanna in Mozart's Le Nozze di Figaro (Marc Minkowski), For the 20th century, she has sung Poulenc's Stabat Mater and Gloria (Bernard Têtu and Bertrand de Billy) and the Angel in Messiaen's Saint François d'Assise (Sylvain Cambreling).

Her extensive discography includes recordings for Erato-Warner Classics, Naïve, Alpha Classic, Cpo, Glossa and Hungaroton. An exclusive artist with Erato-Warner Classics, Emőke released her first solo disc, Voglio Cantar, in 2019, devoted to the finest pages of the Seicento. Her recent disc Dualità, devoted to arias by Händel, was released in 2022, conducted by Philippe Jaroussky.

You can find her complete information in the artist profile.

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